Back Pain Management; 4 Tips to Strengthen Your Back Muscles

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Having a weak back is quite a nuisance to one’s daily routine. It makes simple tasks, such as bending over or picking things up, difficult. Not to mention the pain that accompanies it, making it impossible to go about your day comfortably.

But what causes a weak back in the first place? Let’s take a look.

Causes of a weak back

Since our back is made up of our spinal column, a weak back means that our spine is not being adequately supported. This could be due to an uncomfortable chair or bad posture. Another reason for weak back muscles could be underuse due to inactivity.

Here are some of the causes of a weak back:

  1. Bad posture while sitting and standing
  2. Inadequate back support while sitting or sleeping
  3. Long periods of inactivity
Back pain does not have to be a given in your life. It can be avoided by taking steps to strengthen your back muscles. These steps include taking care of your posture and including stretches and exercises for back pain management in your daily routine.

Let’s take a look at the measures you can take to strengthen your back muscles for effective back pain management.

How to strengthen your back muscles

1. Posture
It’s no surprise that your posture can greatly contribute to the health of your back. Unwanted strain on the upper and lower back is one of the most common side effects of poor posture. When you slouch forward, your back muscles are flattened, which puts pressure between your shoulder blades. If you’re experiencing pain below your neck and around your tailbone at the end of the workday, this is a sign that you need to correct your posture.

In order to correct your posture, you need to be mindful of the way you sit and stand. Make sure not to slouch and keep your back straight. Proper posture keep your bones and joints in alignment, which decreases the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces and reduces the stress on your ligaments, allowing your muscles to work efficiently. 

2. Support
Your spine needs adequate support in order to prevent back pain, especially for individuals with desk jobs who spend a lot of time sitting down. It’s important to ensure that the chair you use supports the natural curve of your spine. If it does not, use pillows to supplement your spine. Avoid slouching forward and adjust your computer screen so that it is at eye level. Take frequent breaks to walk around and stretch.

Moreover, you should also be careful of your sleeping position when you go to bed at night. Certain positions are better for lumbar support, such as sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees. This helps the spine retain its natural shape while equally distributing your weight. 

3. Stretch
While working individuals may not get time to exercise during the week, exercising only on the weekends can prove counter-intuitive as our bodies need consistent exercise in order to stay limber and flexible. Moreover, the transition from inactive weekdays to sudden intensive exercise on the weekends could lead to muscle strain. If you do not get time to exercise during the week, you should fit a simple stretching routine into your everyday schedule.

Stretching can improve your posture, increase your range of motion and greatly boost flexibility, which will help you strengthen your back muscles and avoid back pain in the long run. Moreover, stretching can also help you relieve stress and have a therapeutic effect on your mood.

4. Exercise
The surest way to strengthen your back muscles is to follow strengthening exercises for back pain. These exercises help by activating the back muscles and engaging the core, leading to increased strength over time. Some examples of exercises that are good for stronger back muscles are:

  • Plank
  • Abdominal crunches
  • Bird-dog 
Make sure that you warm up and cool down before and after carrying out the exercises. Do not jump straight into the exercises, instead increase the intensity of your workouts gradually to give your muscles the time to adjust.

There you have it. Following these 4 tips for back pain management is all you need to strengthen your back muscles and avoid unwanted back pain. Remember to make exercise and stretches for back pain a part of your daily routine, and take care of your posture while you’re going through your day. Investing in a good desk chair which provides adequate support will also help you avoid problems in the long run.


Please note that the above recommendations are general care tips. Consult a healthcare professional in case of any uncertainty around wound treatment and healing.

Always see your doctor if a wound is deep, bleeding profusely or showing signs of infection. For diabetic patients especially, proper wound care holds the utmost importance. Do not hesitate to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor or your podiatrist, even when it comes to minor wounds and cuts – especially if they’re on your feet.
The information provided through this website should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Although compiled with great care, it is not a substitute for professional advice. If you have or suspect a health problem, consult your doctor immediately. 

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