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How To Stop Bleeding From Cuts And Wounds

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For most of us, cuts and wounds are common occurrences. They are caused either by sharp objects like knives, scissors or sports injuries. When our skin suffers a cut or gets wounded, the underlying blood vessels in our skin get punctured or damaged, leading to blood loss.


Bleeding actually serves a valuable purpose since it helps to clean out the wound. You can treat a minor bleeding cut or wound safely at home. However, excess bleeding can cause our bodies to go into shock. And this is because blood platelets coagulate to form a clot whenever we get a cut or a wound. The rate of this blood coagulation varies from person to person. Learning basic first aid for bleeding can help you act a lot faster and prevent excess blood loss.

Apply gentle pressure on the wounds and cuts

Small cuts or wounds are minor injuries that will typically stop bleeding independently. These injuries don't go any deeper than the skin, and there is no need to worry as they don’t cause any substantial blood loss. Therefore, you need to know how to stop bleeding if the wounds or cut bleeds excessively. 

The most successful way to control bleeding is by applying pressure to the wound or cut. You should always use a dry and clean material, such as a towel or gauze, on the wound and gently press on it until the bleeding stops. If you don't have access to any sterile material, use direct pressure on the wound with your hands. However, always remember to wash your hands carefully before touching the bleeding cut.

If possible, try to elevate the affected part above chest level. And this will slow down blood flow simply because it's harder to pump blood uphill than downhill. If blood oozes through the cloth, don't remove it and place another clean piece on top of the cut. Then continue to apply pressure as before. For some stubborn bleeds, you may need to apply pressure for 15 minutes without interruption to allow a clot to form. Knowing how to stop blood from a cut involves cleaning, reducing infection and speeding healing.

Cleaning the wound or cut

The next phase in stopping the bleeding is to clean the wound. As every wound has the potential to become infected, you can follow these directions to clean your wound:

  • Cleansing wounds is an essential first step for optimal healing of all injuries and cuts.  You can use antiseptics to cleanse minor acute wounds such as cuts and open blisters.
  • For patting the cut or wound dry, take a clean towel or gauze pad and dab the area gently. Don't use anything fluffy, such as a cotton wool ball, as strands of material can get stuck to your wound.

Covering the wound or cut

Whether you have suffered from a wound or a cut, a wound plaster is a perfect protector to help you heal. Plasters support a bleeding cut from the moment of injury until the end of the wound healing process. In addition, they protect skin tissue from external influences, such as strain, contamination and infection. 

Always apply plaster to your cut or wound once it is clean. You must ensure that you place the wound dressing without creasing or stretching it to promote optimal wound protection. As plasters such as Hansaplast washproof plaster are unique water-resistant products, they guard against moisture. Not just that, they are also breathable and thin and thus flexible enough to adapt to the skin's movements. Ensure that you replace the plaster when it gets wet or dirty. Before applying a new plaster, inspect the wound for infection, inflammation or other abnormalities.

The DON’Ts of first aid care to stop bleeding:

  • Don't remove any objects that might be stuck in the body. Instead, place tissues around the object and tape it, so it doesn't move. Then, seek medical help.
  • Don't attempt to clean large wounds. Instead, stop the bleeding and seek medical attention.
  • Don't apply soap to the wound.
  • Avoid using hydrogen peroxide or iodine because they may irritate already damaged skin.

If you take care of cuts and wounds promptly, they heal faster, reducing the chance of permanent scarring. In addition, staying calm and following first aid procedures can make a painful experience less traumatic.


Plasters help your skin cells repair faster. If you want to learn more regarding healing wounds with plasters, read 5 Reasons To Protect Your Wound Using Wound Plasters And Help It Heal Quick.



Please note that the above recommendations are general care tips. Consult a health care professional in case of any uncertainty around wound treatment and healing.

Always see your doctor if a wound is deep, bleeding profusely, or showing infection signs. For diabetic patients especially, proper wound care holds the utmost importance. Do not hesitate to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor or your podiatrist, even when minor wounds and cuts – especially if they’re on your feet.

The information provided through this website should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Although compiled with great care, it is not a substitute for professional advice. If you have or suspect a health problem, consult your doctor immediately. 

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