
Top 10 Wound Care Myths Busted

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Everyday cuts and wounds are so common that all of us have suffered from them at some point or the other in our lives. They are unavoidable and yet it’s shocking how little we know about them and about how to heal them. These wounds can be very painful and therefore any knowledge about cuts and wounds can help you deal with them better ensuring faster healing with less pain.  

Read on to bust some common myths about wounds and wound care. 

MYTH 1: Uncovered wounds heal faster

It is of utmost importance that you keep the wound protected and free of germs or any other kind of infections. It is best to cover your wound with a plaster after cleaning it thoroughly with a disinfectant or alcohol.

The covering helps to keep your wound free from bacteria, germs or any kind of fungus and the wound pad provides appropriate amount of cushioning and protection to the wound from unforeseen further injuries to the same wound.  

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MYTH 2: Plasters can cause germ breeding

This myth has been very prevalent but the just the opposite is true. Using the right kind of plaster can actually keep the wound safe from any germs or bacteria. Hansaplast plasters come with antibacterial wound pad which uses the latest silver ion technology that prevents the breeding of germs and also protects the wound from all kinds of infections.  

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MYTH 3: Scars are inevitable and have nothing to do with wound care

This is not true at all. Actually, the better the wound care the smaller the scar. If you ensure proper moist and covered healing of the wound, regular changing of dressing and proper cleaning of the wound, the scarring can be reduced. Moreover, putting a plaster on your wound can also eliminate the possibility of tearing up of the wound due to any external circumstances.  

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MYTH 4: Small wounds can be left untreated

The smallest of the wounds can become massive medical problems for you if they are left untreated. Any kind of puncture, cut or scrape is a plausible entry point for bacteria and germs and thus treating and covering every wound is extremely important.  

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MYTH 5: A scab over the wound is a good sign

This is a very common myth. On the contrary a scab on the wound hinders the production of cell growth and therefore slows down healing. Scabs can also trap air and bacteria increasing the chances of an infection during the healing process.  

This is just another reason to cover up your wound with a competent and specialized plaster and make sure that your wound has going through the proper moist healing process, as it is much faster than a dry healing process in which scabs are formed.  

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MYTH 6: All wound dressings are interchangeable and similar

Even though all plasters and wound dressings might have the same properties – they stick and are antibacterial, they aren’t interchangeable. You must be very careful about which plaster you choose for which type of wound. Hansaplast plasters have been designed by specialists for different kinds of wounds. These plasters are not only specific to the type of wound but also to the body part that has been injured. Puncture wounds, scrapes, cuts, knees, elbows, fingertips, etc. all have a specialized plaster designed for them.  

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MYTH 7: Antibiotics help in wound healing

Antibiotics are not always necessary for the treatment of a wound. They may be necessary if the wound does not show signs of healing even after a week but otherwise, simple, and protective wound dressing and treatment can help heal much faster, that too, without antibiotics. Using Hansaplast specialized plasters will ensure moist healing which has been proven to be much faster than regular, unprotected healing processes.  

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MYTH 8: Slow wound healing is normal

This must be viewed as a big red flag. Sometimes, when you are facing slow wound healing it could be a sign of a bigger disease, like an immunity problem or a blood circulation issue. It is recommended that your go straight to a doctor and get the situation checked.   

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MYTH 9: A plaster on the first day of injury is enough to heal it

It’s a common belief that the wound only needs a plaster on day one and must be left uncovered to recover for the rest of the days. This is definitely not true. On the contrary several scientific studies have shown that a wound would be healed better and faster if it is cleaned and covered from day one to the last day until it is healed completely.  

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MYTH 10: Deeper wounds cause more pain

A layman’s sense of logic would tell them that this is true, whereas, in reality, the opposite is true. Surface wounds are more painful given the dense presence of nerve ending right under the top layer of the skin. And thus, everyday cuts, wounds, punctures and abrasions need just as much protection and care as bigger or deeper wounds.  

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Now that you know some common myths around wound care you are in a better position to take care of your everyday cuts and wounds using the regular first aid kit easily available to you. Take it from the experts of healing themselves, always cover your wounds with Hansaplast.