Can You Get Tennis Elbow from Using a Mouse?

Can You Get Tennis Elbow from Using a Mouse?

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We live in a constantly evolving digital world where most upcoming careers involve extended computer usage. Many people spend hours in front of computers as part of their daily routine, and they rely on a mouse for navigation. Using a mouse for extended periods of time may put you at risk of developing tennis elbow. The repetitive movements required to use a mouse can strain the tendons and muscles in the forearm, leading to pain and inflammation in the elbow.

What is tennis elbow?

Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a condition that causes pain and inflammation in the outer part of the elbow joint. While this injury is often associated with playing tennis, it can be caused by any type of repetitive arm and hand movements that puts a strain on your elbow muscle, such as repetitive mouse usage. If you are experiencing elbow muscle pain, it could be due to overwork of the muscles or poor elbow support while carrying out desk work.

How to relieve tennis elbow joint pain?

Tennis elbow treatment typically involves rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain medications. The injury should get better by itself over time. In severe cases, physical therapy or a brace may be recommended. 

While working, make sure you’re resting your elbow on a suitable elbow support for desk work. This can help you prevent computer mouse-related hand and elbow pain. Taking regular breaks to carry out simple stretching exercises is also recommended. This helps strengthen your elbow muscles and prevent elbow muscle pain.

If you are experiencing pain or swelling in your elbow, do not ignore these symptoms, rest your elbow immediately and consult a doctor for further instruction if the pain does not subside on its own.