
Corn and calluses - What is the difference and how it is treated

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Is your skin at the feet causing you discomfort? Well, the chances are you might have corn or callus affecting your foot. You spend a considerable amount of time on your feet and it is absolutely necessary to take good care of it. Before you look for a treatment, let us understand what are foot corns and calluses.

Corn and Calluses


Corn is a hard patch of thickened skin that generally occurs at the pressure points of your feet and the sides of your toes. They have a hard centre surrounded by inflamed skin. Foot corns usually happen due to an ill-fitted shoe or increased friction and corns are your skin’s response to protect the affected area.


Calluses on other hand are thickening on the outer layer of the skin which is painless. They can develop on your hands, legs, feet or any part where there is repeated friction. 

Corns and calluses may develop on the feet due to an improper walking motion, but most are caused by ill-fitting shoes. For most people, simply eliminating the source of friction or pressure makes corns and calluses disappear. If you are not sure about having foot corns or calluses, below are the symptoms that you can refer to:  A thick rough area of skin A hardened raised bump Pain under your skin Flaky or dry skin When the patch of your skin becomes sensitive to touch  

How you can treat corn and calluses

Treatment for corns and calluses usually involves avoiding the repetitive actions that caused them to develop. You can help resolve them by wearing properly fitting shoes, using protective pads and taking other self-care measures.

  1. Trim away your excess skin
  2. Use shoe inserts 
  3. Trim your toenails 
  4. Keep your feet clean 

If a corn or callus persists or becomes painful even after some self-care measures, we recommend you to see your doctor. In case you are diabetic, visiting your doctor at the earliest would help you cure it sooner. 

You can also treat foot corn with plasters, as it helps in softening the corn and providing relief. Here’s how the Hansaplast Corn Plaster can provide you with quick and effective relief from corns:


1. Faster relief

The centre of the ring of the Corn Plaster when applied on the corn exerts quick pressure and ensures that the corn softens. 

2. Long-lasting relief

The Corn Plaster gets rid of the corn by gently applying pressure and ensuring that the hard core of the corn softens. As this process continues, the hardened corn starts disappearing and the plaster stops exerting pressure on the sensitive inner layers of your skin. This leads to long-lasting relief.

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3. Ease of application

The soft cushioning foam on the Corn Plaster ensures that it shields the corn as it heals and absorbs and distributes the pressure that may be exerted on it during this process.

4. Better grip

Your feet are always in motion and ordinary plasters find it hard to hold on to your feet for this very reason. However, the skin-friendly adhesion on the Corn Plaster ensures that it stays put during the healing process.

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The Corn Plaster helps in softening the corn and providing relief. The use of Narmalic Amal in the corn plaster draws from Ayurveda, ensuring natural healing. Also, the plaster has been designed to deviate pressure from an area where the application and retention of the plaster is difficult. For better and faster corn removal, replace the plaster every 2 days. 

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